Friday, 28 March 2008

Holy Spirit's Stirring

I recall many occasions in my youth, where God the Holy Spirit was stirring my heart to have a deeper relationship with Him. This stirring also encompassed the requirement to work for Him. The choice that I made was to reject these stirrings of the Holy Spirit, and follow a path that seemed appropriate to me. I enjoyed life, had security, and lived my life as I wanted to. Although the Holy Spirit’s stirrings were suppressed, it did not cease.
Along my life journey, God has provided some incredible people, who in their own way have assisted me to be obedient and respond to the stirring of the Holy Spirit and fulfil the call that was on my life. To name each of them would do injustice to others who also had significant influences, but may remain unnamed. Further to my journey, there have been the times of protection that in retrospect, were amazing. I have fallen from heights, been caught in machinery, played sport, crashed two cars, been in a car rollover with a mate, almost drowned, without breaking any major bones that I know of, or suffering any significant injuries, all prior to answering the stirring of the Holy Spirit.
The “YES” finally came, much like Isaiah, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 KJV)
It is one thing to hear and understand what the Holy Spirit is saying, and another to respond in obedience to the leading of the same Holy Spirit. It is very similar to moving from agitation to peace deep within your spirit. It is a life response that has no end. Failure to answer with an obedient “YES” is also a continuing state of being.
Each one of us, are responsible for our own obedience to the stirring of the Holy Spirit, and the Lord’s call to share our life with others. Jesus said, “You're the first to hear and see it. You're the witnesses.” (Luke 24:48 Msg.)

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