Wednesday, 31 December 2008

To 'Be' Like Jesus

Our goal is to imitate and reflect the Life of Jesus in our own. In other words, “to be like Jesus.”

The Apostle Simon Peter, in his second epistle wrote to those who through the righteousness of our Saviour Jesus Christ received precious faith. Simon Peter then opens with the following greeting, Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Peter 1:2. NIV.) According to Simon Peter an overflow of the life of faith is to live in grace and peace, and then desire this to be the reality in the life of every other individual you meet. This is a state of ‘being’, or imitating the life of Jesus Christ. It is not obedience to a set of laws, as set down by others. Although there seems to be individuals who work within God’s family, who are willing to call others to righteousness, while they are walking a path that is causing havoc in other people’s lives. In contrast the call remains, to ‘be’ a people of grace and peace, and a reflection of Jesus righteousness with everyone.

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