In his book “Transformed! 10 Principles for Sustaining Genuine Revival”, Alistair P. Petrie wrote the following on page 194.
‘On one occasion when Duncan Campbell was preaching a sermon, he paused and looked at one of the young lads in the congregation and sensed that the young man was in contact with the Lord. He asked this young man, whose name was Donald McPhail, if he would be willing to lead the congregation in prayer:
The young man rose to his feet . . . he began to sob, and lifting his eyes toward heaven, cried, “Oh God, there is power, let it lose!” The spirit of God swept into the building and the heavens were opened. The church resembled a battlefield. On one side many were prostrated over the seats weeping and sighing; on the other side some were affected by throwing their arms up in the air in a rigid posture for an hour. God had come.
The power of youth at prayer - amazing! Exciting! Profound!’
‘On one occasion when Duncan Campbell was preaching a sermon, he paused and looked at one of the young lads in the congregation and sensed that the young man was in contact with the Lord. He asked this young man, whose name was Donald McPhail, if he would be willing to lead the congregation in prayer:
The young man rose to his feet . . . he began to sob, and lifting his eyes toward heaven, cried, “Oh God, there is power, let it lose!” The spirit of God swept into the building and the heavens were opened. The church resembled a battlefield. On one side many were prostrated over the seats weeping and sighing; on the other side some were affected by throwing their arms up in the air in a rigid posture for an hour. God had come.
The power of youth at prayer - amazing! Exciting! Profound!’
It is refreshing to see the energy and desire of the young generation, as they seek to live holy lives that are pleasing to God.
John 1:12-13
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (KJV)
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